Environmental Ethics. The Interrelation of Nature and Culture
Mariéle Wulf (Speaker)
Activity: Talk or presentation types › Invited talk › Scientific
“Ecologia”, an old world, provides us with the “logos”, the inside in law and wisdom, of the “oikos”, the home. “Laudato si” proclaims “the urgent challenge to protect our common home”, we have “to seek a sustainable and integral development” , we need an “integral ecology” , which calls us to a “global ecological conversion” . Ethical principles should overcome practical utility and head toward metaphysical issues. In this perspective the dignity of nature becomes visible. - Nature is the unfree other, the free person is responsible for it. - The human being can even contribute to the accomplishment of creation. - A theological intuition on wisdom can reveal that ecology might be understood as the redemption of creation. In Jesus Christ a new creation begins. A theological ecology reveals the meaning of creation, showing us God’s playful “wisdom”. The human being can even perfect the creation by contributing meaning, transferring it into art and bringing it to worship. This is how human beings can give birth to a new creation.