Book review: Investigating cybercrime (Jan-Jaap Oerlemans) and A comparative study of cybercrime in criminal law: China, US, England, Singapore and the Council of Europe (Qianyun Wang)', Review article

Paul de Hert, Georgios Bouchagiar

Research output: Contribution to journalLiterature reviewpeer-review


Taken together, the two publications have one thing in common. They reveal the acute need to address what seems to be at the heart of cybercrime regulation: jurisdictional challenges. Perhaps the answer lies in the optimal, rather than absolute, harmonisation; in making – to the extent possible – same behaviours punishable, while, at the same time, respecting national diversity. An international approach to cybercrime, promoting general legal principles, could be combined with national initiatives, setting out more detailed rules, to achieve appropriate balances and optimal results.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)431-440
Number of pages10
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 2020


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